Final preparations for UNIFY Gathering 2020 are currently underway. While the event site at Tarwin Lower and the surrounding areas have not been impacted by the fires or adverse weather conditions seen elsewhere in Victoria, this year we need you to give extra consideration to your personal health and wellness when packing your festival kit.
The devastating fires that have ravaged our country have had an impact on air quality. While the East Gippsland fires are a long way from Tarwin Lower, depending on the wind direction there is a chance of smoke haze in and around the festival site at some point during the event. So we want you to be prepared.
The current air quality conditions at the festival at the time of this post are estimated to be Good-Moderate however this could change during the festival. If you suffer from asthma, respiratory conditions or have any breathing difficulties, please bring any breathing aids or medication you may need to support your time at the event. Of course, if at any point during the event you are feeling unwell, please seek medical assistance at our first aid/medical centre. Likewise if you see anyone else struggling at any point, take them to the medical centre. Look after each other.
We’ve had some recent rainfall and looking ahead at forecasts, UNIFY 2020 will be going ahead as planned. That said, these are extraordinary times and we want to make sure you are properly prepared to enjoy your favourite festival.
As patron, staff, artist and contractor health is our number 1 priority, if smoke haze conditions deteriorate significantly during the festival to unsafe levels, we may need to adjust the performance timetable as required.
For general Air Quality advice, please visit the EPA AirWatch website: https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/EPAAirWatch. Please note these recommendations and comment are not a substitute for medical advice and you should review all information available online including EPA to ensure you are properly informed about this situation.
In the meantime, we urge you all to please give generously to the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund, Australian Red Cross, Bushfire Appeal, Wildlife Victoria, WIRES and NSW Rural Fire Service.
Looking forward to welcoming you all to UNIFY 2020.